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Forest Fire
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Empowering • Safer • Communities

Fire Recovery & Resilience

This innovative new program is Autralians first and most comprehensive range of events designed to help people create and manage 'Firewise' homes, gardens, landscapes and communities. 

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Download our firewise booklet for more information!

Our bushfire and landcare experts will set up on your street corner – the old fashioned approach that directly connects with people in high risk areas.
Each property owner will be given a print out aerial photo of their property so that the 4 key fire preparedness steps can be discussed and participants can draw their own plan of action. Discussion will focus on reducing fire loads around dwellings and appropriate species and mulch for gardens.

 Bushfire Blitz 


Full Day Event

This 3 hour workshop is designed to inspire participants. Our team of experts empower residents with vital strategies and techniques to create safer and more sustainable properties in the face of the ongoing threat of fire, and climate change.

 FRR Workshop 


 3 Hour Workshop 

This full day event features stalls and information from varied stakeholders giving info on products and services that mitigate and reduce the impact of fire on properties.
We have specialist speakers from DFES, bush fire strategy specialists, expert architects, landcare specialists plus much more.

 FRR Expo


 Full Day Event 

This is the latest FRR product and has been designed as a 3 hour bus tour to capture the interest of those resistant to a more formal sit-down workshop or Expo format and are keen - as practical learners - to see examples of fire safe designs and to meet real people who are making changes to their homes and properties to make them more safe and sustainable. It can also be an excellent forum to gain knowledge through practical ‘in the field’ examples of the most recent fire safety concepts, especially since the new Australian Standards are making it hard for affected rate payers to feel comfortable and in control of this information.

 'Hope in the Hills' - Bus Tour 


 3 Hour Tour 


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